A Published Poem

I had this poem recently published in an anthology. I would be honored for some constructive criticism.






A desolate space of wordless heart,

damned in meaning from the very start.

A voice depleted of elation.

A marriage without consummation.

Until I break from pattern.

I birthed a universe through the bottom of my bed and beneath the whites of my eyes.

I magically made a sky of emerald clouds and the grass a sapphire hue.

I concocted a device that uprooted purple pandas from rainbows that smiled;

they sang with soaring wizards with wands of kissable candy cane riddles on their lips.

Then a gust of sin blew away

the light.

Darkness swiped its cape over the land.

No fear, I vanquished its illusion, because I was king.

I gathered wool in a place where rivers ran of honey and trees melted to dust;

where all the scents were that of color;

where the world loves all around.

A world of beauty, that lies in continuity.




~ by poetofmidnight on April 10, 2014.

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